Third graders are crazy. Did you know that?
They run away, they do anything to get out of going to class, and they make themselves throw-up to get attention.
Luckily, we get four weeks to be with them and try to work on the 8 or so years that they have developed these behaviors.
It sure has been great though working as a rover this session. I get to know all of the kids in the classroom and teach a math group and reading group. In reading group we are reading Sammy Keyes and The Hotel Thief. The girls are always asking to read more for homework... although when it gets to the end of the day and they have a lot of other homework, they rethink it :) They are the second highest reading group at camp though, so it is fun working on different skills. We talked about Figurative Language last week and learned about Similes and Metaphors. Next week we will talk about onomatopoeias and idioms. My math group is another story. They are one of the lowest groups and are not excited about math in any sense of the word. I told them that I was going to make our math group "fun" and they had no idea how I could do it. I'm not sure how I can do it either, but I'm trying to think of anything I can. :) They are a precious group of kids though, and I just hope I can help them like math a little bit more than before. Next week we are going to work on Place Value. I have a cool NBA worksheet that I hope they will enjoy.
Speaking of next week, we get to go on a Field Trip to the Pulaski County Courthouse. It should be a lot of fun/ pretty hectic for all of us adults involved. Anyway, the kids have been doing computer research about courts during the week. Using computers at camp is a part of a grant that we received from Hole-in-the-Wall. The kids have really enjoyed it, and it is great introducing them to using a computer. Although I am much more in favor of spending time in the outdoors, it is extremely important for them to be introduced to technology because it will benefit them in the future when they need to write papers on the computer and research for school. And it's only one hour out of the whole week.
Well, we've got some hard work ahead of us with these kids. We all recognize though that with the kids that are the tough ones, we get the chance to make the most difference. We sat in staff meeting yesterday afternoon and came up with some really cool and creative ways to help certain kids we have right now. It was inspiring and I am excited for the next couple weeks.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
The past month...
Sorry it has been so long! I would like to say that things have just been so crazy, but it doesn't actually feel like it. It just feels like I didn't really want to be on the computer when I had so many other better offers. :) I think any of you could understand that! hehe.
Anywho, I have finally taken the time to upload my pictures from my camera to my new laptop (so much quicker and easier than my old one!), so I thought I would share them with you. They are in no particular order, but I think they kind of highlight some of the things I have been up to the last month or so.
So we planted a garden. It was quite the adventure because those of us that had to get the stuff and plant it hadn't necessarily planted a garden before :)
Anyway, it turned out great and is currently getting watered constantly because it hasn't stopped raining for a couple of days! We've got things growing like yellow, red, and green peppers, watermelon, cantelope, eggplant, cabbage, tomatoes, and potatoes (there are many more, but I can't think of them right now).
Lastly, all of us staff went to the MidSouth AEE (Association of Experiential Educators) Conference in Pottsboro, TX. It was an adventure to say the least. About a mile into Texas we blew a tire, then when we got to the campsite we set up camp- only to take it all down the next morning because of a possible tornado, then we got to meet former President Bill Clinton at the Dedication of his birthplace home as a National Historic Site.

Well, thats about it for the recap of the past month. Love you all and thanks for letting me share my adventures with you! Keep praying for us!
Monday, April 18, 2011
I know I know, I have some serious updating to do about the last like month or so... but I just thought I really needed to tell you about how loud it was tonight as I was walking by the pool after giving the lady counselors their break.... Okay, well I guess the point is pretty much that it was super loud! I just didn't expect it because when I was up in the woods (the girls are all camping out tonight) it was pretty quiet. As soon as I approached the pool, which currently just has a moldy green pool about a foot deep in the deepest part of the pool, it was so loud that I could barely hear myself think. I decided to do some investigative work and turned my headlamp on.... I couldn't see much, so I snuck into the pool area and roamed around the side of it and could see about 30 frogs ranging from about the size of a silver dollar to the size of my palm around the edges of the deep end! They were just screaming to get out of the pool. I even captured a picture of one with my phone climbing up the wall where it is 12 feet deep. It was about 6 inches from freedom. I sent the picture to my email, but I'm not sure it worked. (so no pic for now).
Anyway, that is my story from the night. I'm sure it will be just as loud when I wander back towards my cabin. Tomorrow with whatever time I have, I think I will have to arrange a rescue mission for as many as I can. Unless they want to be down there. I'm not sure if they just want to hear themselves scream/croak, or if they really want to get out of there. Just another one of life's mysteries I suppose.
Well, I better get off to bed for another wonderful day getting to know the new campers! Say a prayer for us here in Little Rock! We love what we do.
Anyway, that is my story from the night. I'm sure it will be just as loud when I wander back towards my cabin. Tomorrow with whatever time I have, I think I will have to arrange a rescue mission for as many as I can. Unless they want to be down there. I'm not sure if they just want to hear themselves scream/croak, or if they really want to get out of there. Just another one of life's mysteries I suppose.
Well, I better get off to bed for another wonderful day getting to know the new campers! Say a prayer for us here in Little Rock! We love what we do.
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