Our supplies. |
Here are a few pics of our time spent mountain biking at Clinton Lake.
Once we arrived we picked our our campsite and got right on the trails.
Emily may or may not have flew off of her bike into this small creek. |
The trails were muddy and quite difficult at times, but we sure did have a good time. And we both always have a good time getting dirty and gross, so even though we were walking our bikes along the trails half the time, we still had fun. As a side note, my bike was especially fun to ride. It was borrowed from Emily's roommate and I can't say that it has been well taken care of. Don't get me wrong...I appreciated it... but the rusty chain, the inability to change gears out of the lowest gear, and squeaky breaks made my experience a challenge at times. This is all on top of the fact that the conditions of the trail were less than desirable because of all the mud. Next time I go mountain biking though I expect it will be a bit easier.
On the second day we found a nice little beach spot where we got to hang out and relax. As a bonus we also got to wash the mud off :)
Once back to the campsite we did many fun things, like making Spam Mac N Cheese, playing frisbee and travel scrabble.
I successfully ruined this pair of pants. |
Rough N Tough bikers right? |
We even proceeded to play Banana Grams style. |
mmmmm. You're jealous. You just don't know it yet. |